Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Election Day

Connecticut's primary elections are today.  I am a Florida resident, so I don't vote here.  A Democratic candidate for governor served seven years in prison on corruption charges when he was Bridgeport's mayor; he was elected again when he got out.  The party-nominated Republican candidate says he is going to repeal the income tax, which provides half of the state's revenues.
There are reasons why Connecticut is in trouble.


  1. With just a few words you got a lot facts out. Politicians are a strange breed.

  2. I forgot to say that we both have politics on our minds today. Checkout my blog http://eycandy.blogspot.com/2018/08/justin-donald.html

  3. Connecticut is sounding a lot like Arizona! Or is it a national curse.

  4. Half the state revenues. Oh, there's forward thinking.

  5. Hope the outcome of the election benefits the whole state. The voters of our state seldom seem to vote their own interests.

  6. Sometimes it's hard to choose between them - and not for the best reasons!

  7. Yeah. The cream of the crop make it onto ballots these days, don't they?

  8. I was watching our Parliament Time today,our politics are so boring and uncomplicated compared to yours Jack, thank goodness 😉

  9. The same worn out politicians with the same old messages.
