Friday, August 31, 2018

Cape Cod National Seashore

The thrill of the boogie board.

I've got the fishing rod, honey.  You got the chairs and the food?

The Nauset Light at the Cape Cod National Seashore.


  1. Maybe that's why I don't go fishing - no one to carry my gear for me. (Incidentally there's a post about Hertford, UK, today on my blog. It's a little different from Hartford despite being the birthplace of Samuel Stone, who I believe was one of the founders of your city).

  2. Many happy scenes that are a delight to see, especially when we dread the oncoming ice and snow that will arrive before we know it!

  3. These are great summer pics, Jack!

  4. That fisherman is going to be wondering why he'll be sleeping on the dock tonight.

  5. Fun! A lovely taste of summer. The "frame the lighthouse" thing is cute - and a nice pic of a beautiful structure!

  6. ...and btw if you do not follow the National Park Service (or the Department of Interior in general) on Twitter, you should check 'em out. Gorgeous pics every day.

  7. It looks idyllic, though I guess the lady with the bags may not think so!

  8. Summer fun at the beach. I love your caption for the guy with the fishing pole, it made me laugh.

  9. Looks like a wonderful day at the beach. Hope you took your sunblock.
