Friday, July 27, 2018

Watering the Fountain

After a solid week of rain, there was nothing needed less than a watering of 
the fountain at Main Street and West Lane in Ridgefield, Connecticut.

The fountain was donated to the town in 1916 by the architect Cass Gilbert.
It is a favorite target for bad drivers in southwest Connecticut.


  1. We could do with some of that rain here; no rainfall for nearly 2 months - unheard of in England! It would take a special sort of driver not to notice a fountain of that size.

  2. Like it isn't big enough to see but they say that you drive towards whatever you are looking at especially when drunk so that may be the reason - it is too visible! ;-)

  3. I think RedPat's on the right track in terms of those drivers.

  4. I wish you could send some of that rain this way!

  5. Cass Gilbert is "one of our boys" who left a mark on many cities in America and also St. Paul! It's a lovely fountain. Being cleaned?

  6. Power washing? We have rain here too - first time of more than a few drops, since early May! I can hear everything going 'aaaah'. :)
