Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sunflowers for Wishes

For ten days in July each year, Buttonwood Farm Ice Cream hosts a fundraiser for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.  They sell sunflowers from their huge flower-filled fields, give rides and sell ice cream.

I bought six bunches and asked this young man -- a Make-A-Wish recipient -- if he would mind holding them for a photograph.  That big smile is a good answer.


  1. A fine portrait of the young man. And a few good sunflower snaps.

  2. What a wonderful photo of that young boy. Made my day.

  3. Nice photography Jack. Seeing all those sunflowers is mind-boggling.

  4. This post makes for a sunny start to my day, Jack!

  5. Wow Jack! Such gorgeous flowers and that huge field of them is very impressive. And what's even better, it's all for a wonderful cause.

  6. Ah, yes, both the face and the flowers are all smiling. Selling ice cream is a sweet way to support a great cause.

  7. I can't tell which is brighter, the flowers or the face Beautiful photographs
