Saturday, July 7, 2018

Out of the Jurisdiction: St. Andrews

The ship docked in Edinburgh, but I took advantage of the proximity to visit St. Andrews,
an hour or so to the northeast.

A golfer starting a game on the first tee or finishing a game on the 18th green on St. Andrews' Old Course does so with The Royal and Ancient Golf Clubhouse
and Hamilton Hall looking on.

With all the tourists and shoppers walking around, it must be hard for the golfers to concentrate.
Don't worry.  I took this shot with a telephoto lens and then cropped it.  He didn't see me.

St. Andrews is holy ground for serious golfers, but it is fun for bad golfers like me to see, too.
But, beyond the course is a lovely historic town and one of the U.K.'s most prestigious universities.

The streetscape is immaculately tended.

A woman enjoying a drink on a sunny day had the only clipper ship tattoo
I can remember seeing on a woman's back.


  1. No time for a round of golf - or you probably need to be a member!

  2. What a historic place, very nice!

  3. I hope Lowell tunes in to see these photos.

  4. You can't be "out of jurisdiction" - the rules of the R&A apply everywhere!

  5. I'd much rather see the town and the architecture. I just never could grasp the appeal of golf.

  6. It's a lovely old town and quite vibrant with all the students and visitors. You had quite a tour this time! I'd love to see the Orkneys.
