Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Going Natural

The owners of a house in my neighborhood are reducing the amount of grass in their yard,
planting it with perennials and wildflowers, with a scarecrow to
keep the birds away.  Or, maybe just for decoration.
I like it.


  1. This tells me not to show how my garden looks.

  2. Interesting that we both posted an environmental message through our images and information today! Yes, I like the scarecrow as a harbinger of what some homeowners might decide to do. Sure would save some money if you hire a lawn service! Might save an important part of our threatened environment, too!

  3. That is definitely a trend downtown in Toronto but out towards the suburbs they still love their lawns! Love the scarecrow!

  4. I wonder if that's less work than maintaining a lawn.

  5. That is a fine looking scarecrow, but I will bet the birds use its arms as a perch. Going with less grass is fine so long as the flowers look good.
