Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Something to Do When Stopped in Traffic

A photographer?  A hacker?

A fan of the University of Kentucky sports teams.

Get you one.  A generous owner of a Mercedes Benz.

Someone happy to move from Ohio to Florida.

I saw NAPLES-FL and many other interesting plates while racing along at high speeds,
but I'm not going to try to photograph a license plate at 70 miles per hour.


  1. I thought the second one might be a comment on Britain leaving the European Union. Here you have to have a genuine number plate which leads to many ingenious letter/number combinations fetching high prices at auction. Numbers like BO55MAN or DEN1M for example.

  2. There's a lot more out there but you found some of the best ones.

  3. Probably a good idea Jack ☺ There are some interesting personal numbers out there, I love looking at them but I'd never have one, a wee bit naff ☺

  4. Smart man! I only do it at traffic lights too.

  5. The first two Florida plate designs are new to me, but I've seen the third one occasionally up here.

  6. Good find on vanity license plates. Occasionally I see a good one, but not that often.

  7. I saw lots of fun ones when I was in New England, though I never quite understood the system. People here have personalised ones as well but you have to be inventive and often slightly alter the way the letter or number looks.

  8. Good finds! And it appears you have a cleaner windshield than mine usually is.
