Friday, April 13, 2018

Corkscrew Country Store

Sometimes I come across an isolated, rundown store and wonder about 
the lives of the people who work and shop there.


  1. A different clientele from the Yacht Club featured yesterday, I'd venture.

  2. This is much like something I would run into in my area. Not as plentiful as they used to be.

  3. My grandparents had a little store like this one when I was growing up. They had living quarters attached to the back of it and when I used to visit them, they would let me help in the store.

  4. It reminds me a bit of a country shop I remember here.

  5. A small store in the middle of the wild... I wonder how they can survive...

  6. There is probably a good story there, Jack!

  7. There is just no telling about places like this, but it has a humorous name. Perhaps they sell wine without mentioning it? Looks like a place from early in the 20th Century.
