Friday, March 23, 2018

Naples Botanical Garden has DINOSAURS!

Big.  Colorful.  Moving.  
Not going back when granddaughters visit next week.  Too scary for the littlest kids.
Willa has already announced several times that she is afraid of alligators.

I would say "lifelike," but how would I know?  I wasn't here when they roamed the earth.


  1. They are probably scarier than the real things. Could that be possible?! Good idea to leave that place out when travelling with small grandkids.

  2. I think I would wait until the girls get a bit older, Jack! Those creatures do look quite scary!

  3. Quite a collection. Our zoo has a bunch of dinosaurs on display too. I haven't seen it yet.

  4. Of course that'll fascinate kids! Our Nature museum has some exterior sculptures, but most of their dinosaur sculptures and fossils are inside.

  5. What a problem you have with these creatures roaming around your back yard. Time to call the Animal Control Officer. Willa has good reason to be afraid of alligators. Best she keeps her distance.

  6. I can see how small kids would be scared, they are huge. I'm afraid of alligators too and have never seen one. They are on the same list as snakes, never wish to see them ever.

  7. Dinos are so fascinating, but I'm glad they lived many years ago...

  8. Willa has the right idea.
    I guess these are pretty interesting but I'm not sure I'd expect to find them roaming through a botanical garden.
