Friday, March 16, 2018


I went back to see the two eaglets living in the nest featured in the Eaglecam at Dick Pritchett Real Estate in North Fort Myers.  The parents -- mother Harriett and father M15 -- were away searching for food.  One of the eaglets was in the nest, out of sight.  But, one eaglet looked out.

It was a cloudy day, without the best light, but I thought that this image would be helpful in showing the eaglet and two of the popular webcams that hundreds of thousands of people like to watch.


  1. No privacy for eaglets, too.
    Nice find, Jack !

  2. What a great shot. That is quite an elaborate camera set up.

  3. Those eagles can not get away with much with those webcams watching their every move. I am just glad they are prospering.

  4. It is amazing how fast those birds grow. And interesting, too, what celebrities they become.
