Monday, February 5, 2018

Super Super Bowl

Well, my New England Patriots didn't win the Super Bowl last night, but it was a terrific game.
Congratulations, Philadelphia.  You played great.

(Photo of the NBC broadcast.)


  1. Very magnanimous in defeat, Jack. If Brady needs cheering up this morning he only needs to check his bank balance.

  2. I watched the last 4 minutes - they were good! ;-)

  3. The entire game was good. The Eagles coach was really gutsy!I went back and forth between the two teams, wishing each one would win. It's over for another year, but one of the better Super Bowl games!

  4. This was the first Stupor Bowl that was actually an exciting football game. I am less and less interested in football as brain injuries become more obvious and common in the game.

  5. That stance pretty much sums it all up for the Pats.

  6. Friends declined an invitation to a Super Bowl party. When pressed, they admitted "We don't want to sit around all afternoon eating and watching football." Sums it up for me.
