Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Naples National Art Show II

Glenn Woods from Palm Harbor, Florida, was a fine ceramicist who had the last booth as I exited.


  1. The crowd indicates that this art fair is popular and probably has some quality art work. I have been to so many of these in the past that I carefully choose which ones I will attend. Good place for photographs.

  2. It looks like there were a great many artists here for the event.

  3. Our local art show is after the fourth of July, but that only makes sense. Most of the ice will be melted by then. Always interesting to see what is in those booths.

  4. Looks like a good crowd, Jack! I hope they were not just tire kickers and that some good sales took place!

  5. People are out and enjoying the art show. I love that painting in the first photo, the one with the five boats. I see the dogs are having a little get together too. Fun for everyone!

  6. This looks like heaven to me. An art show AND great weather! What more could one want?!

  7. I'm jealous of those blue skies and walking around in shirt sleeves. I'm beginning to forget what human skin looks like.
