Wednesday, February 14, 2018

A Fishing Party


There must have been a school of fish just off Naples Beach.  The pelicans led the fishing party.

And for those who think I should have something Valentine-themed today,
here are some sweets from Norman Love chocolatier.


  1. You got some great photos of the pelicans here. That is one bird I have yet to capture very well. I've tried every time I go to California but they are always moving so quickly that I can't get the shot.
    Yum! I could eat one of those treats right this minute.

  2. Pelicans are always great to watch. They do herd fish in a coordinated effort. Great action shots. Happy Valentines Day, Jack.

  3. Terrific action shots, Jack! They're marvelous birds.

  4. Great action shots of the pelicans, Jack !

    Happy Valentines Day.

  5. Love those pelicans, Jack! And the chocolates of course! ;-)

  6. Pelicans are great to watch. They look like bomber planes scoping for the fish to capture. Excellent shots, Jack.

    Happy Valentines Day.

  7. The fourth shot of the three birds reminds me of those flying ceramic ducks folks used to have on their walls!
