Thursday, December 21, 2017

Ice Skating

I am back in Connecticut for the holidays.  

Hartford's Bushnell Park has an ice skating rink that opens at Thanksgiving and closes in January..  

Many skaters rent skates (the blue ones) and are skating for the first time


  1. We have a similar rink in Cambridge every winter - very popular with children. Some of our younger staff at the school used to take the children and push them around on the ice in their wheelchairs which was quite a sight. Skating is something I never got the chance to do when I was young. Nowadays I find that ice is even more slippery than it used to be and gravity has become a vicious adversary.

  2. Some of them look as if they're definitely new to it.

    We have a couple of them open outdoors at present- at City Hall and one for this year on Parliament Hill. We're waiting on the Canal to open for the skating season, but that's not likely until after New Year's.

  3. It looks very wintery!
    Your U of Conn women's basketball team is playing a game here on Friday - a tribute to Nurse as it is her last year.

  4. I don't think I'd be much good at that. Not enough padding!

  5. I had great fun skating as a kid, but haven't skated in many years. Liked to play in pick-up hockey games back in those days, but I am more likely to take pictures of others skating now.

  6. Ice Skating is really fun, not only for kids !

  7. Believe it or not, I have never attempted to ice skate. Too late now!
