Sunday, December 17, 2017


I arrived at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary right after Barbara Gurry Rowell.  She was there to pick up her lovely watercolor paintings and sculptures of birds, which had been exhibited at the visitor center.
Her paintings are delicate and Audubon-like.  I tried to find a position to photograph
Barbara without the reflected overhead lights but couldn't find one.  Sorry, Barbara.

UPDATE:  Blogger friend John of "By Stargoose and Hanglands" took the offending reflections out.
Aren't blogger friends wonderful?


  1. Even with the light reflection you still got yourself a beautiful shot.

  2. Lovely paintings. If you hadn't mentioned the reflections I probably wouldn't have noticed them.

  3. Barbara is as lovely as your paintings. Watercolors are very appealing as shown in your photo.

  4. I love her work, Jack!
    It is nice to have blogger friends to come to your aid! Good for John!

  5. Nice shots, before and after. You don't do any editing? These reflections wouldn't be too hard to remove...

  6. What exquisitely detailed paintings - very Audubon, as you say. And hurrah for John, he's a lovely guy.
