Thursday, November 16, 2017

Two Greeters

The Baker Museum at Artis-Naples suffered water damage in Hurricane Irma.  It will be closed all season.  Greeters are posted at the courtyard entrance to steer visitors to the parts of Artis-Naples
that are still open.  I was there for the changing of the guard.

Sally Ann is proudly in her 80s.  Originally from Buffalo, NY, she has 11 children (not a typo).  After the last child left home, Sally Ann went back to college, got her degree and became a teacher.
She lives now in Florida because New York winters are too cold.  Sally Ann is an avid kayaker.

Caroline is a high school senior.  This is her first job.  She plays saxophone in the high school band and likes working here so she can see the concerts for free.  Caroline plans to go
to college next year, maybe the University of Florida.

My laptop is back.  The operating system was re-installed and it has a new battery.  Whew!


  1. Glad your laptop is restored. Yes, phew, as you say! What a pity the museum was affected. I do hope they can restore what was damaged. Meanwhile, these ladies' smiling faces provide a warm welcome.

  2. I hope the art works in the museum are okay, Jack! 11 kids!!

  3. Anyone who's raised 11 children should have no problem keeping a few museum-goers in order!

  4. I have two children and cannot imagine having eleven. Kudos to Sally Ann.

  5. Lovely to be greeted by such warm smiles. Glad your computer problems have been fixed.

  6. Nice portraits! Glad your laptop is back.
