Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Old Route 41

Old Route 41 runs through the City of Bonita Springs.  The City leaders upgraded it from a rickety old local road to an attractively landscaped street that might -- they hope -- stimulate economic development.  They even installed a traffic circle that the locals are struggling to figure out. 


  1. Looks like it would be a pleasant drive. I never look forward to manoeuvring around a traffic circle.

  2. This made me smile. They've been installing traffic circles all around town here in the Phoenix area and since it is a very new thing to the western part of the U.S. it has caused a lot of confusion. I'm always careful when I approach one because it seems I'm always running into someone who doesn't get it at all.

  3. For those who find traffic circles confusing try Milton Keynes in the UK. There were 124 of them at the last count but they are multiplying rapidly!

  4. I'm not a fan of traffic circles either so I can understand the confusion!

  5. So many different surfaces there. I suppose they each have a purpose.

  6. Circles are supposed to be "traffic calming." It seems that they either confuse people who aren't used to them or people who are familiar really zip through them. I've yet to see much calm.
