Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Irma Again

When I posted recently that Naples doesn't look as bad as I expected post-Irma, I didn't mean to imply that there are no visible signs of damage.  Scenes like this are everywhere.

My laptop has been with the Apple Store since last Thursday.  Until I get it back, I will be marking time with the photos that I can reach without accessing my laptop . . .


  1. Hearing that your computer is at the Apple store gave me a little chill. That is one of my fears!

  2. That is a huge stump that got pulled out. Amazing!

  3. Sad to see such big trees go. But hopefully they will replant some and one day they will be big too. The hurricane that happened in the south of England in the 80s that uprooted thousands of mature trees actually had many benefits in regenerating nature.

  4. Hard to believe wind can do that!
