Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Gingerbread Houses

Wood Memorial Library and Museum in South Windsor, Connecticut, has an annual 
holiday show of gingerbread houses.  


  1. These are wonderful, Jack! I like that 2nd one!

  2. All I can say is WOW! There are some very talented bakers who have created these works of art.

  3. I tried making one of those once at the school where I worked. One of the boys ate some of the ingredients then later another lad ate one of the walls. We ended up with a sort of gingerbread lean-to dog-kennel which was also quickly demolished. It tasted good though, judging by the few crumbs which I managed to grab. I imagine the exhibits which you show here were constructed without the help of small boys.

  4. Those gingerbread houses are gorgeous. Well made and ready to be photographed. You did good Jack!

  5. Very fancy gingerbread houses!

  6. What a fun display. It begins to remind me of all the crafty outlets obsessives have.
