Monday, November 20, 2017

Everglades Wonder Gardens

The Everglades Wonder Gardens is an "Old Florida"-style attraction that has been on life support for a decade or more.  The City of Bonita Springs stepped in two years ago, provided funding 
to rescue it, turned it into a nonprofit and hired a new executive director.

The Wonder Gardens was clobbered by Hurricane Irma.  But, with more help from the City and 200 volunteers, fifty truckloads of fallen trees and debris were removed from the park.  
The park opened again last week.  Today's post is linked to Monday Mural.


  1. I presume it has animals and birds? Hope they all survived.

  2. Good to hear Jack, sounds as if things are getting back to normal.

  3. It looks like the storm almost ripped that sign apart.

  4. Glad normal business is returning. Looks like a fun place to visit.

  5. That is the kind of old feature you like to see continuing. Glad they are recovering from the storm!

  6. Glad to hear that things are on the rebound. The sign looks like it was battered around a bit.

  7. I hope they can restore the sign or commission a new one. The gators coming out of the water aiming for the folks on the bridge gave me a chuckle. Consider yourself warned. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  8. I hope they're able to lure visitors back. It sounds like it really took a beating from Irma.
