Thursday, October 19, 2017

Halloween at the Pond House Cafe

The operators of the Pond House Cafe in Elizabeth Park have quite a fondness for Halloween.
Every year they add more skeletons and tombstones to their displays.

This year they have a big cemetery between the restaurant and the pond.  The tombstones have puns like "Doug Graves," "Clara Voyant" and "Dee Cayed."  It is their business, of course,
but I wonder if all of the skeletons bring more diners into the restaurant.


  1. I think that the owners are just having fun without concern for drumming up business, don't you think? Love the names of the deceased!

  2. This reminds me of my neighbor from my old neighborhood. I need to pop over there and see what he's done with his little army of skeletons this year.

  3. I love seeing Halloween decorations. These are great!

  4. If there are five skeletons how do they decide which one gets to ride in the coffin? Just wondered.
    People certainly go to a lot of trouble for Halloween. Here most people will be celebrating in the traditional way - sitting in complete darkness and pretending to be out!

  5. I've been spotting decorations popping up here too. They really go all out at that cafe, Jack!

  6. Not sure I will show this fun photo to the woman who runs my favorite cafe, she might get even more ideas...

  7. A home in our community has tombstones every year with a similar cast of deceased. It's interesting to see how creativity manifests at your end of the country.
