Monday, August 14, 2017


Joe is the third generation in his family to run Imperial Decorating and Upholstering.
His wife and two sons also work in the family business.
My dining room chairs will have some new 
clothes in time for the holidays.

I am away for two weeks without reliable wifi.  Back the 26th.  Daily posts are scheduled.


  1. Glad you set it up so your posts post when you aren't there!

    My blog, Message in a Milk Bottle is now centred mainly on Halifax in West Yorkshire. I've moved home but the blog remains the same . . only different! Less the coast, more the town.

  2. That will be a nice treat for you when you get home! It is nice to hear of a business that has been in a family that long!

  3. nice that the business has been in the family for so long! safe travels!

  4. Oh, I hope that the family business continues to grow and thrive!
