Sunday, August 6, 2017

Greater Hartford Pro-Am

The Greater Hartford Pro-Am is a summer basketball league that features
college players and some professionals.

Some current or former players from the University of Connecticut usually play,
but I didn't recognize any the night I was there.

It is good basketball.  I always think I will get some action close-ups, but the pace of play is fast and players and fans keep moving in front of my lens.  But, I thought I got some good wide angle scenes. 


  1. You got some great leaping action shots. It appears to have been an exciting game!

  2. You got great action shots. Looks like the semi-pro game takes place up In the air.

  3. I can see that you've got some great shots here, Jack, though the game itself is beyond me. I'm going back to watching the cricket!

  4. I'd say you did very well indeed. These are wonderful action shots.

  5. Lots of action in those pics, jack!

  6. Good, sharp shots - not easy when the action is inside.
