Saturday, July 8, 2017


I'll bet you don't see many dinosaurs in your town.

The owner of a big house on Hartford's best street has dozens of sculptures scattered on the lawn.
Not my taste, but I am glad he is supporting artists.


  1. Dinosaurs in my hometown? Yes, Cambridge is full of dinosaurs, most of them having had long careers at the University.

  2. Love John's comment! Have you taken Willa to see these sculptures. She's not too young to support artists!

  3. I hope that fence is able to keep that dinosaur contained. Would not like them wandering into our part of the country. ;-)

  4. John's comment made me chuckle. I have only run into one dinosaur here in the Phoenix area. They are a pretty rare sight.

  5. Only in one of our museums!

    I'm reminded of a dinosaur on a lawn alongside one of our highways through cottage country.

  6. Too bad they aren't supporting a curator too.

  7. I did see a dinosaur once outside the art gallery in the city but I think he had strayed far away from Hartford 😀 Goodness me, I do agree with you Jack I'm all for supporting artists in their work.. but blimey!

  8. There's going to be a display of animatronic ( is that the right word?) dinosaurs in a park in Manchester during the school holidays - but I wouldn't like one in my garden!

  9. Yes, we have two in Forest Park but no giant horses or bulls.

  10. Well, not far from our town is a place called Dinosaur Land! Lots of dinosaurs there!
