Monday, April 24, 2017

Pond Lilies at Naples Botanical Garden

I loved the colors and varieties of pond lilies.


  1. I agree. The colours and the variety make the visit worth while.

  2. Jack, some of these pond lilies look like they might be lotus flowers. They are important symbols to both Buddhist and Hindu religions. I can see why.
    Thank you for your recent comments on my blog. Yes, you are my inspiration for trying to shoot portraits. These were from a trip last weekend to Omaha where we went to the Hot Shop, a building in North of Downtown (NoDo) where perhaps 100 artists have studios. We were there late on Saturday, so not many artists were around. The Union Station photos were taken at the Dunham Museum located in the old Union Station in Omaha. That is where the Club Car was also. I fondly remember these cars, but I think they were all from the 1930s or 40s. Travel was more elegant back in those days.

  3. We don't see these blooms in the Phoenix area but, I'm drawn to them the minute I see them in California and other places.

  4. Pond lilies are so beautifully photogenic Jack, your Botanical gardens must look gorgeous in spring.

  5. I love those pond lilies Jack. Haven't seen any for a very long time. Growing up, I lived near a pond and there were lots of lilies and once in a while if we were lucky we would see a tadpole or frog sitting on the lily pad. As youngsters we would try and catch them. :)

  6. The lilies are always so lovely and delicate as they add so much beauty to any pond. Well-done.

  7. I love that coral pink one. We mostly see white ones here.

  8. Aren't these pretty!? Very nice shots!
