Monday, April 3, 2017

Downtown Fort Myers

I walked around Downtown Fort Myers.

Fort Myers is the county seat of Lee County, which broke away from Monroe County (for which Key West is the county seat) in 1887.  It was named for Confederate General Robert E. Lee, who is honored by a statue in a median strip in Monroe Street.  Florida is definitely a Southern state.

It is fitting that a nearby statue of a Florida panther is in danger of falling apart. The Florida panther is on the endangered list.  Only about 200 remain.  Every year about 30 die in collisions with cars.
Housing developments are encroaching on the natural habitat of the panther.

A statue honoring the 2nd Regiment Infantry, U.S. Colored Troops, is in a waterfront park.  In February 1865 Confederate soldiers attacked Fort Myers but were repelled by the 
U.S. Colored Troops defending the city for the Union Army.

Uncommon Friends by local sculptor D. J. Wilkins shows winter residents Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone and Thomas Edison relaxing around a fire in a reflecting pool.

Haley is a high school girl.  She was posing for her friend Kristin, who has a new camera.  They saw mine and asked for suggestions.  I suggested that Kristin come in closer to fill the frame with
Haley's face and that Haley remove all emotion from her expression.  Like this.


  1. You would make a good portrait photography teacher. You do it so well.

  2. I know all those statues! One is very close to where I always find an open parking space...(ssh!) Beautiful portrait. Nice to hear they were asking questions. It seems few people show much curiosity nowadays.

  3. Good portrait, Jack! I'm never sure which of the armies is which although I know the north won - is that the Union?

  4. Glad the young women were smart enough to ask for tips. Great shot of Haley - I hope Kristin's is as good.
    Eclectic selection of statues.

  5. Excellent portrait Jack. It's great they asked for advice and you could share some tips with them.
    The city has a nice selection of statues.

  6. Quite a contrast in statues. You'd wish that people would be more considerate of the panther.

  7. As a northerner I am surprised to see a statue honoring Robert E. Lee. I do like your portrait of Haley, this is one of your special skills. The girls could no have had a better consultant.

  8. They could not have found a better person to take lessons from.
