Saturday, April 1, 2017

All Wet

The garden of French Impressionist painter Claude Monet in Giverny, France, is probably
wonderful at all times, but it seemed extra special in heavy rain in 2015. 

 Raindrops pounded the lily pads, so I put away my big camera and took pictures with my iPhone.  The heavy rain on the lily pads gave the scene the feel of Monet's famous lily pad paintings.

On the first day of each month, City Daily Photo bloggers show photographs on a theme.
For April, the theme is "All Wet."  Click here for other interpretations.


  1. The purple blossoms really pop out; Monet would have been proud!

  2. Wonderful, Jack! When I first glanced at this I thought, 'Wow! Those raindrops make it look like Monet's lily pad painting." Then, I read your text. : ) Great eye!

  3. I agree with Kate Jack, Monet would have heartily approved of this image, prettiest shot so far!

  4. What a wonderful shot Jack. It really does have the look and feel of the painting.

  5. That pic is hard to beat, Jack!

  6. Lovely photo, Jack. Nothing wetter than a lily pond in the rain.

  7. Gorgeous! This is an even more memorable shot than you'd have gotten on a dry spring day. Even the umbrellas are a bonus.

  8. Lovely, I think I must put this place on my bucket list.

  9. You captured a great one Jack! Monet would be happy.

  10. Such a pretty photo Jack and perfect for the theme!

  11. Wow, a perfect image for the theme, Jack !

  12. Wonderful theme shot. It does look impressionistic and you can see the drops in the water.
