Thursday, March 30, 2017

Ann Hamilton: Phora

The Bob Rauschenberg Gallery at Florida SouthWestern College recently showed 120 images of mouths taken from carved medieval figures in a Stockholm museum.
"Phora" means "voices."

Great art?  Probably not, though the artist -- Ann Hamilton -- has won numerous honors and has exhibited at important museums.  Still, it caught the eye.  The literature for the exhibition 
indicated that it was supposed to stimulate conversations about public speaking.


  1. All those mouths....It must be rather like being a dentist!

  2. interesting and i did learn a new word :)

  3. An interesting concept that I never would have thought of. It does have an interesting look from this point of view.

  4. Why did I immediately think of The Joker when I saw this?! I suspect this exhibit is stimulating conversation ...but probably not about public speaking. Bravo for checking it out and letting us take a peek through your lens.

  5. It makes for an interesting exhibit, Jack!

  6. Now that is different and unique. A conversation starter for sure.

  7. Fascinating and very uncomfortable at the same time. The gallery owner is no relation to Robert, I assume.

  8. I don't mind it Jack.. they do say if a piece of art doesn't stimulate conversation it's more craft than art, I can see this one generating much chat ☺

  9. Imaginative, though not my cup of tea. (All those mouths would need a lot of cups of tea!)

  10. Hmmmm...perhaps a theme day idea for CDP?
