Thursday, February 9, 2017

A Moron of Ibises

A pride of lions.  A gaggle of geese.  A herd of antelope.  A charm of hummingbirds.
So, what do you call a bunch of ibises? (Or is it ibi?)
I dunno.  But a moron of ibises seems to fit.

 How do you like the crossover step by the ibis on the left?


  1. I take it you are not impressed by the ibis (yes, ibis is also plural). According to the Web "A group of ibises has many collective nouns, including a "congregation", "stand", and "wedge" of ibises." If you wish, I will add "moron" to this list. Personally I think they area great looking birds.

  2. great pics of them all and the one on the left is doing his dance moves for ya!

  3. Here I thought you were teaching me a new word! I LOVE that cross-over step. It's very "Hollywood".

  4. The one on the left is a showman! They look wonderful, Jack! Sunny and -5˚C here today!

  5. I never heard of these birds but there they are. I love that last photo, it looks like they're all on a mission strutting down the beach. Of course, there is always one joker in the crowd, the crossover step expert. :)

  6. I like them! They seem like such characters.

  7. Well, I like them and they are much more interesting than the birds I see each day!

  8. They make a great group! Perhaps a congress?

  9. My Googling came up with a colony of Ibises. I love these shots. They're such exotic birds to this westerner.

  10. How beautiful birds, Jack, great pictures too !
    I like the crossover step, somehow it looks like he is skating.
