Saturday, January 7, 2017

Shooting Into the Sun

Is it a fail if you intended to do it?  Red ti is a common landscape plant around here.  On my walk,
a red ti clump was backlit, so I shot through it, right at the late afternoon sun.
Maybe it is bad, but I like it.

I tried a simple outline of a palm tree stand with the sun approaching the horizon.

I thought this might be interesting because the fountain was clear but
the strong sunlight washed out and blurred the house's edges.

You don't know if you don't try.


  1. In my humble opinion the palm tree shot is a winner.

  2. I like all of these. I shoot into the sun quite often. Sometimes the effect is great. I love the palm trees.

  3. I'm with you, Jack. I usually stay away from shooting into the sun -- unless there's a reason to do so. I like that 1st shot with the sunburst on the red ti -- very cool.

  4. The first is my favourite.

    If I'm shooting a sunrise or sunset, or if I think something has potential with backlighting, I'll shoot into the sun.

  5. Always worth a try though they don't always look so good. I like the 'rainbows' in the first one.

  6. I like the first one best. It is fun to experiment!

  7. I like them all, but the palm tree silhouettes are my favorite!

  8. Not wrong at all. It's a time-honored technique. You pulled it off well, particularly in the second photo.

  9. The 2nd shot with the palm trees is my preferrd, Jack.

  10. You're not supposed to shoot into the sun? Now you tell me! Maybe that's why everything else gets so black! Gee, what else am I missing? How come I can't get the film out of my camera anymore? (I especially like the palm trees and I also like the sunburst with the ti plants.)

  11. That's a lovely estate in the third shot.

    Mersad Donko Photography
