Thursday, December 29, 2016

Around Town

A new hotel -- the Delamar -- is going up across the street from Blue Back Square.
Still wrapped for the holidays, but they forgot the ribbons and bows.

Asian immigrants are flooding into the southeastern part of West Hartford.  Vietnamese, Cambodian, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Nepalese, everyone.  Asian groceries and restaurants
are popping up everywhere.

Most of South Main Street in West Hartford Center is one story high.  To capitalize on the center's popularity, a developer added three stories of condos above the retail space.

The former owner of this house was the general manager of the Hartford Whalers, a National Hockey League team that left town 20 years ago.  He probably left the hockey rink boards
for the new owners.

A Tudor-style house is always neat and well-dressed for the holidays.

Let's have a round of applause for utility workers, who get called out for hard physical labor at all hours and in all weather.  These guys were repairing a water main break
at 9:30 pm in below freezing temperatures.


  1. Some interesting things you've seen on your wanderings. It's good to see the less obviously picturesque parts of town, though that 'tudor' house is lovely.

  2. That Tudor is a beauty and I would love to pay a visit to the Indian grocery.

  3. What a great little tour around town. I agree about the utility workers. We just had a water main break on my corner three weeks ago and they worked day and night to get it fixed.

  4. It certainly is the season for water main breaks! Love the Tudor house & that hockey rink, Jack!

  5. Anyone working outdoors in winter has my admiration. Night in winter? They have my awe.
