Saturday, December 17, 2016

A Christmas Rock Band

I wonder if this is how Janis Joplin started.  She is going to be a star some day.

A young group entertained the crowd at the Village Shops on Venetian Bay.
Three guitars, a drummer and the lead singer.

They performed a set of maybe five classic rock favorites, including Stones and Beatles, and finished with a Christmas song.  The crowd tapped their feet, swayed with the music and sang along.

Behind them, the Humane Society showed some of the dogs they wanted people to adopt.


  1. Nah! This is how our Janis started out:

  2. Good photos of these kids playing music. Looks like they were having great fun.

  3. That's a lot of equipment for a group of kids. I guess you can't start too young?

  4. Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock...

  5. Couldn't be like Janice. The kid doesn't have a bottle of bourbon in her other hand and Janice would never be caught dead in front of a Tommy Bahama.

    My three year old granddaughter has a great interest in music. We're thinking about what to start her on in a year or two.

  6. They certainly look dressed for a Florida Christmas!
