Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Little Blue Heron and Great Egret

I am pretty sure this is a little blue heron.  It is darker and smaller than a great blue heron.

And this is a great egret.  Similar to the great blue heron but a bit smaller and nearly pure white.

Back to Connecticut for Thanksgiving.


  1. ... and so interesting to watch when they are on the hunt.

  2. I finally found an egret at Coombe but it was too far away to get a decent photograph. Yours is super.

  3. You won't find these guys up in Connecticut for Thanksgiving, Jack! Have fun with the family!

  4. You are full of charm to have those birds pose so well for you. Your Thanksgiving will be so meaningfull with Willa and her family with you!! Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  5. Little or great, I love that heron. Beautiful shot. And what a great mix of the sleek egret and the grasses.

  6. Beautiful! We have them too but I only see them once in a while.

  7. How nice to be surrounded by this. We only get to see such birds if we go to the tropics.
