Sunday, November 27, 2016

Family Photographs

Stephanie is one of eight children.  She gathered in Elizabeth Park with her family, all dressed in white and blue for family photographs.  So, naturally I  barged in and took my own shots.
Stephanie is at the left with daughter Emma, niece Jaheim and nephew Jaida.

Don't you love it when you yell "jump!" to a bunch of strangers and everyone is up in the air?

A recently felled tree was the setting for lots of the photos.


  1. Looks like a happy family and you caught their exuberance quite well. Taking a break from CDP but will comment when I see your posts on CDP's Posts. Have a great Sunday; hugs for Willa. Send me your address offline because I have a book for Willa.

  2. It looks like they were having a fun photo shoot day! They'll have lots of memories from this day.

  3. It does look like they were enjoying themselves!

  4. A fun shot with lots of excitement.

  5. It looks like they had a good time!

  6. Looks like a fun group to photograph.

  7. beautiful family and looks like everyone is having fun in the park :)

  8. A family that plays together stays together 😊 super shots Jack.

  9. How nice to get the whole family together in a beautiful place. I like your Stephanie group portrait.
