Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Employ the Tattooed

I was going to ask permission to take his photograph.  Honest.  But, the place was crowded,
he was with his parents, he got through the line faster than I did and I lost track of him.
Steadfast Brand is an Orlando-based company selling clothes supporting tattooed folk.

If you are American, please vote today.  Especially if you are a decent person with common sense, do not want to see America humiliated in the eyes of the world and do not want the country to be governed for the next four years by a bullying egotist without well-considered policies. 


  1. Lets hope America follows your advice today.

  2. From a Canadian point of view things look frighting for the USA.

  3. I hope people wake up and vote for the right person.

  4. Well said Jack! I voted!
    This makes a great photo!

  5. I've sat through so many news reports about this election that I feel I deserve a vote too!

  6. The world waits for the big decision and the after effects.

  7. That's a serious tattoo. I am so sick and tired of that bloody orange skinned con artist.

  8. Well, I voted and I am tattooed. A nice post for me :)

  9. Well, your plea went unanswered, Jack!

  10. I've seen some people so tattooed they didn't appear to want to hide it all with clothes.
