Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Rhode Island Reds

I haven't done any portraits in a while.

Sub Edge Farm, in Farmington on the town line with Avon, is a small organic farm.
They recently recorded a Youtube video for Triscuits.

And, today begins the seventh year of this blog.


  1. They're a very popular breed over here too, a long way from Rhode Island. They seem to rather like having their portraits taken.

  2. Nice modeling crew you have there Jack :)

  3. They look quite expectant. Perhaps for a bite to eat.

  4. Congrats to you on the blog birthday, Jack! I was thinking that you started just a couple of months after me and we are still here!

    I'm always saying that I would love to have a couple of chickens but they would have to be indoor pets - no yard. ;-)) These are beauties.

  5. No one here but us chickens. Good one, Jack.

  6. Congratulations. It takes a lot of work and determination to achieve what you have.

    And as to the matter at hand - who knew chickens has such personality? An inspires subject for a portrait.

  7. Such a good composition Jack :) Were you lying on the ground?

  8. Congratulations on seven years! That's a real accomplishment. Now, can I suppose you've always been goal oriented??
    It looks like the chickens were as interested in you as you were in them. They're certainly giving you the eye.
