Sunday, May 22, 2016

Welcome Back to Elizabeth Park Daily Photo

I'm back, so, of course, I walked over to Elizabeth Park.  It is in transition.

I missed the tulips.  

The work of lifting bulbs out of the beds is about half done.

Annuals are sitting in flats in the greenhouse, to be planted next week.

It is good to be back.


  1. Does remind me a lot of my family's greenhouses.

  2. I always like to walk around greenhouses and look at the different plants. Deciding what to buy is always a challenge :)

  3. So good to be back at Elizabeth Park, Jack. Through your photos, I feel as though I have a special relationship with that lovely landscape of floral beauty. Glad you included the greenhouse, which gives me an opportunity to post a wonderful little poem that I will use today on FB today, too. When teaching (rather sharing) poems with students, I often asked the students to tell me what's happening (without the title, of course). Fun activity--great poem and poet whose family had a greenhouse in Upper Michigan. Now...aren't you happy that I shared all this information. Happy Sunday, Jack!

    Child on Top A Greenhouse

    The wind billowing out the seat of my britches,
    My feet crackling splinters of glass and dried putty,
    The half-grown chrysanthemums staring up like accusers,
    Up through the streaked glass, flashing with sunlight,
    A few white clouds all rushing eastward,
    A line of elms plunging and tossing like horses,
    And everyone, everyone pointing up and shouting!
    Theodore Roethke

  4. ' transition' -- : ) The annuals look very nice. The color will make the grounds pop.

  5. Oh they do look a wee bit sad in that first shot Jack :) spring flowers are sadly so short lived.. not like those hardy summer annuals waiting to be planted.. they're tough :)

  6. It is sad to see tulips at the end of the line. Here the bulbs are dug up again and replaced by annuals as well for the summer.

  7. Good shots of the past prime tulips. I thought a black tulip was hard to grow. These are remarkable.
    Thank you for your recent visit and comments on my blog. Always enjoy heating your opinions. Welcome back to the North.

  8. I bet it's good to be back and visiting all the familiar places. I can't wait to see more photos from your home city in the north.

  9. It's nice to see the park again, Jack! Some of our tulips are done but their are many that seem to be in prime condition still!

  10. Welcome home. It's now officially spring here in Connecticut. I hope you brought some warmer weather with you.

  11. Elizabeth Park is always worth a visit.
