Sunday, May 1, 2016


Stela is from Russia.  She works at the perfume counter at Saks Fifth Avenue.

Stela was happy to model for me, but she worked hard to get the name of the perfume --
Kilian -- into the shot.  She is a committed merchandiser.

On the first day of each month, City Daily Photo bloggers show photographs on a theme.
For May 1, the theme is "smell."  Click here to see other interpretations.


  1. I feel badly for those people who have allergies to fragrancies. . . think of what they miss at perfume counters. I LOVE perfume and cannot leave the house without my "Tuscany." Lovely woman and smart merchandiser.

  2. Perfume! Excellent interpretation for the day. As I've gotten older, I've become more sensitive to perfumes. I love it…in moderation. Hope all's well in your world -- are you back up north?

  3. A good choice of theme day photo. And a nice one too.

  4. It always smells great wandering around the perfume counter. Great shot!

  5. She is so pretty, and I love perfumes:)

  6. We think alike, Jack! Good choice. :)

  7. I adore perfume (only the light florals though, can't do with musky ones). It's quite a hobby wandering round stores and trying a spritz or two. I don't know this one though.

  8. Why am I not surprised that you found a pretty woman to include in your shot, Jack? ;-)

  9. A beautiful choice for today's theme!

  10. A fine, Jackish choice. Kinda wish I could get a whiff of what she's spraying.

  11. You express the theme much better than my off-hand post did. It captures an olfactory event, but I have a hard time getting actual smell associations from it.

  12. Perfect combination...and I bet they both smell sweet.

  13. Great minds think alike and all that hey Jack :) Will have to have a little sniff of K next time I'm in the city!

  14. Great choice for the theme! I may have to try this perfume.
