Thursday, May 12, 2016

Highlight and Shadow

Looking recently at photographs of a friend, I considered how different his photograph and mine of the same scene would be.  In his images, people are often very small.  If I have people in a scene, they are prominent.  And, he crops each photograph the way it looks best to his eye,
but mine are cropped with the image's original dimensions
in a landscape format, so they fill a computer screen.  

With the City Daily Photo theme day approaching on June 1, I took a recent Florida photo illustrating the "Highlight and Shadow" theme, with a very small person, and cropped it as my friend might.

Not bad.


  1. This photo makes me want to walk down that path. I love the shadows.

  2. It is you, or perhaps your friend, who has a great sense of composition. The dappled sunlight on the path leads right to the person. But don't give up your portraits. They are always interesting.

  3. I like the result!

    I've been mindful of future theme days... I've already got my shots in for the June theme, though I'm thinking of shadows falling across tulips while photographing at the present.

  4. Great shot Jack! Can't wait to see your replacement on theme day :)

  5. Isn't that the joy, that two photographers faced with the same scene will nevertheless reveal something unique and individual. I like this shot though. We should get out of our boxes more often.

  6. Oh oh, better get to work. Was this the one I suggested?

    Like you, I usually go with prominent people. The are often the subject. But there are good reasons to obscure them, to make them just a detail of a scene.

  7. This is very nice. It's useful to try on others' styles occasionally, if nothing else to keep from occupying too deep a rut (my danger, not yours).
    Thanks for the heads up on the June 1 theme day.
