Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A Quaint Little Fishing Village with a Drinking Problem

The joke around Goodland -- and on tee shirts popular there -- is that it is
a quaint little fishing village with a drinking problem.

There are far more bars than a small village
could support with just the locals.


  1. It must be Canadians that keep the bars going. Beer and liquor is much more cheaper in the USA than back home. ;)

  2. They were obviously all at home sleeping off their hangovers when you shot these.

  3. Tourist traffic has often changed the landscape of small towns and villages.

  4. A whole lot of tourist traffic must come through there.

  5. None of these bars seem to be open for business. You must have been there early Sunday morning.

  6. Sitting outside on a patio having a beer sounds very tempting, Jack! It is still cold here but we may be warm by Sunday.

  7. The top image I will remember....
    Quite strange to see the chairs upside down.

    I guess you must have taken these images early one morning.

  8. Bummer that no one was there drinking.
