Saturday, February 13, 2016

Beach Umbrellas

An older couple didn't want to get too much sun.
They created a colorful hut out of three umbrellas.
If you squint, you will make out the Naples Pier on the horizon.


  1. Pretty darn fancy!
    Once I clicked to full view the pier was easy to see.

  2. Those are some colorful umbrellas. Naples chic!

    Thanksk for the info on The Promenade. I wonder if I'm not remembering it or if it was built within the past 25 years or so...Looks very nice.

  3. You'll find no beach umbrellas up here today. I awoke to a temperature of 7℉ with a wind chill of -17
    ℉. I'm jealous!

  4. A colourful way to keep out of the sun!

    Here it's -29C today. With wind on top of that.

  5. Colorful umbrellas and a creative way to stay out of the sun.

  6. And nice brollies they are!
    It was -27˚C here this morning - has warmed all the way up to -18˚C now . I wish I was there with my own umbrella, Jack!

  7. Very stylish sunshades. That arrangement would never cut it on a British beach... they'd blow away!

  8. Lovely little posy of umbrellas Jack - I like the pink petal one. and yes! I can just see Naples pier in the distance so much like our beaches here in South Australia.

  9. I just might need one of those umbrellas for myself.

  10. Colourful and smart.
    Probably just like the couple...

  11. How very inventive they are :) Très jolis parapluies Jack and yes I do see the jetty waaaay back there :)

  12. That's very pretty and a nice image to catch. It looks a little more comfortable than long sleeves, wide brimmed hats, long pants, and a half gallon of sunscreen.
