Sunday, December 13, 2015

Lager Head Turtle

The turtles being painted for the current fundraising in Naples are loggerheads, a threatened turtle that has been on the endangered list since 1978.  This turtle -- Lager Head -- was painted by
Rebecca Meland.  It sits outside Bad Ass Coffee.  

Don't blame me.  I didn't name either the turtle or the cafe.


  1. What a pity that it's the real turtles that are endangered and not the gaudily painted ones - or the people who name things in your town.

  2. He looks like he has quite a "bad ass" shell to carry around too.

  3. I'm not blaming you but I can see why they named a turtle after you! Heh, heh!

  4. Ah, you do make my morning -- particularly with your "bad ass" turtles and coffee shop!! Just the place I need today!!

  5. Well, at the very least it does catch the eye!

  6. Well, I like the turtle's shell and I love the name of the café.

  7. I like the turtle AND the name of the cafe :)

  8. One of my life goals is to avoid bad coffee, so a coffee shop of that name would be enough to keep me out. Hope the art turtles brings increased awareness of the plight of the Lager Head turtle.

  9. What a pity the loggerhead turtles are endangered!

  10. Is "bad ass" a compliment or a complaint?
