Friday, October 2, 2015

A Rainy Day in Elizabeth Park

I have been greeted in Hartford by several days of rain, with more expected this weekend.  
Given how hot and dry the summer has been, that is not all bad.

I drove through Elizabeth Park and took a few photos out the car window.
Like reflections?  Visit James' blog, Weekend Reflections.


  1. Rain can be so welcomed when it has been dry for so long, that's for sure! Lovely reflection.

  2. The best thing about rain is the wonderful reflection photo opportunities

  3. I love finding reflections in the surroundings.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  4. Even snowbirds get caught out in the rain from time to time.

  5. Ah, the rain is good!! We haven't had nearly the amount of rain that is usual for us this time of year! Hope we get some soon!! Great capture as always, Jack!!

  6. I would prefer rain if it came down between midnight and six in the morning!

  7. Love the shapes and composition with this reflection of the greenhouse. Well found and photographed.

  8. Nice reflections, Jack! But like William I wish it rained during the night and was bright all day - I find the grey so depressing if it lasts for days.

  9. Doing some drive-by shooting were you? That's how I photograph things most of the summer here. It's just too hot to be out of the car.

  10. Yesterday Austin 94
    Today Gorham ME 54
    Reality speaks.

  11. excellent reflection in the puddle

  12. It's nice to get rain when you need rain! And I do like reflection shots!

  13. Nice reflections! If the weather guessers are any indication you may well be getting quite a lot more rain...or not. Whatever you get I just hope it's not too much.

  14. Nice reflection shot! I don't think we've had rain (here in Connecticut) for about 6 to 8 weeks now, so we need it badly. One of the trees in my yard dropped all of its leaves early, due to the dry conditions. (And Hi to you in Hartford from the coast. Looks like we're dodging a direct hit from the Hurricane too.)

  15. Rain has so many uses including the production of great reflections.

  16. It must have been very hot and dry.
    PS. I am not that good in enjoying rainy days I guess :-)

  17. Puddle reflections are the best Jack! I think we are almost at the end of our rains now unfortunately, was looking seated ahead for October, looks like 'the chance' of rain at the end of the month, but I won't hold my breath :)
