Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Visiting a Jewelry Store

I went to the jewelry store to see if my watch repair was done.  A camera was slung over my shoulder.  John came up and asked if I was the guy with the photography blog.
He has been looking at it for years.  Amazing all the people who look at
these blogs without us knowing it!  I was thrilled to meet an unknown follower.

John had his own food blog for about three years.  Every day he photographed the process of preparing dinner, including a photograph of the completed dinner plate.
When he finds time, John is going to organize the blog contents into a seasonal cookbook.  

Emuelle watched me photograph John, so he stepped up for the next portrait.
Before working in security for the store, he worked in printing.

J.R. is the newest sales associate.  His passion is dance.  J.R. has danced professionally for
seventeen years.  He also choreographs for Connecticut dance companies.

And, Bob has been repairing watches for fifteen years.  After work,
Bob's interests are antiques, fine art, jazz, classical music and cooking.


  1. Some interesting people in there.
    Very nice portraits too.

  2. What a great visit you had with these people, and such willing models--great photos. Go back and tell them to hire some women, too.

  3. How very cool you met someone who recognized you from your blog! You take such fun portraits so no wonder they are willing to pose for you.

  4. Happened to me in the city the other day too, so funny, but kind of cool :) I wish I was as confident as you are with people Jack, I miss so many good photo opportunities!

  5. You're becoming famous, Jack, people love your portraits !
    Beautiful series, again !

  6. That's all very nice but I can't relate. My usual experience is someone yelling "He's the guy with the blog!" and coming at me with a big stick. The upside is that those experiences help me keep in shape 'cause I have to run very fast!

  7. That has happened to me before and I agree, it's a bit thrilling. Great portraits of the crew at this shop!

  8. You are famous in Hartford and Naples, Jack! It is hard to find a place to fix watches or even replace a battery!

  9. I'm so glad that you are not only recognized, but that your talent for "people pics" is so appreciated!! That's terrific!! I do look forward to seeing your blog/pics every day!! You should put a book together with the same title as your blog!! Thanks for sharing, Jack!! Hope your week is going well!

  10. Your reputation precedes you! I've had that happen too.

  11. I once took my camera to document friends purchasing wedding rings. I was promptly told by the manager that no photography was allowed as it was a violation of their security. Jack, you must be a silver tongue devil.

  12. Great portraits as always Jack. How fun to be recognized!

  13. Quite the high end staff but each face expresses such a different personality.

  14. The whole sequence of one portrait leading to the next is great! Enjoyable read and what great portraits.

  15. What an interesting group of people! Great portraits, of course, but moreso with the stories behind them. (And great fun to find people who know ones blog.)
