Saturday, September 26, 2015

Out of the Jurisdiction: Cathedral of Light

The name "Normandy" is a corruption of "north man," reflecting the Vikings' conquest and settlement of the region as the 8th century ended.

In the summer, there is a colorful 20 minute Cathedral of Light show every night at Rouen Cathedral.  This year the show has had two parts, a Viking show and a Joan of Arc show.  They were both dazzling combinations of technological skill and artistry.

The light show projects colorful images on the cathedral's façade, matching backgrounds to the cathedral's architecture.  Film images -- both realistic and animation -- move around the cathedral's facade.

Once again, my trusty iPhone did a pretty good job of capturing the beauty.


  1. Beautiful... the colours really come across well even by night!

  2. This is incredible, Jack!! I have to admit that I'm just a tad jealous of your amazing captures and the places you have visited in Paris/France!! I've been there, but never saw as much as you have shown us!! Ah, but your pics are the next best thing to being there myself!! Thank you so much for sharing!! Enjoy and have a great weekend!!

  3. Wow, what a spectacular sight! I'd love to see this in person.

  4. Thanks for showing this - it's fabulous! I've really enjoyed your trip so far, Jack! ;-)

  5. Amazing distribution of colors that I'm sure the architects of the Cathedral would be surprised to see. Looks like the whole Cathedral is made of stained glass. My comment about the perspective of your photo was not made as a criticism, just an observation. Your photos are just fine as they are. I've a friend who often goes to Paris to shoot street photos. He was surprised to see that a number of his images were of the same buildings taken from the same angle as Atget's classic Paris photos. Bet you might discover the same thing.

  6. Wow! This is a jaw-dropper. This must be spectacular to witness. You're on another great adventure.

  7. Fantastic! I didn't know they did this.

  8. Just think, for all those years we used phones simply to talk to other people. That's a superb image.

  9. How wonderful! And all that on the back of an iPhone!
    Rouen, on the other hand, always reminds me of Madame Bovary, and with that of provincial nineteen century countryside French life, the sort of hopeless one depicted in the novel, I can't help it.
    So this is welcomed for a change!

  10. This would be fun to see in person! Lucky you!

  11. These kind of lighting effects are amazing aren't they? We've had similar over here. I've never tried to photograph them though, you did a great job with your phone.
