Monday, August 31, 2015


Have I mentioned that the University of Connecticut has a renowned school for puppetry?
The Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry is celebrating 50 years of puppetry at UConn.

The National Puppetry Festival was held on the UConn campus at Storrs recently.
On the last day, the attendees put on a puppetry parade.

Tomorrow City Daily Photo bloggers will post photos illustrating "curiosities,"
the theme for October.


  1. A curiosity for sure. Love the colors in your shot. If you like you can also link your post up on the latest edition of Through My Lens

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. It is a happy looking and colourful parade, and why not? Puppetry is fun. In the spring each year, Minneapolis has a May Day parade with Heart of the Beast Puppets a main feature. The puppets are larger than lifesize and quite a spectacle. Read about it here:

  3. It's a skillfull art, love the happy face in your capture Jack!

  4. How interesting. I never really thought about puppetry being taught as a college subject before.

  5. Well, fancy that! Whoever knew you could actually study it? Though I must admit the skills and standard of puppetry these days is a real art form - and science too. I took my granddaughter to a show in London and it was amazing.

  6. Go to University and come out qualified to be a Punch And Judy Man? The newspapers could really get some mileage out of that one.

  7. Oh yes, we really need more of this. Many takers?

  8. I would have thought the U of Conn would have advanced beyond puberty. Oh wait, you're talking about puppetry. Well, I could say some things about that, too, but I shall refrain as children might, inadvertently, read your blog! :)

  9. That must be a fun course!

    I've been researching the City Hall and after viewing many pics, I take back my negative comment. It really is quite nice when viewed from afar without anything blocking it. Thanks, Jack! ;-)

  10. I think that's wonderful, different and must be fun indeed!! And a fun capture for the day as well!! Hope your week is off to a great start!! Thanks for the smiles to start mine!!!

  11. Quite a whimsical way to see the month out, Jack!

  12. I've been looking forward to your photos from the Puppet Festival. Thank you for you kind words regarding my Puppet Festival photos.

  13. Really? Puppetry? And a festival, no less!
    Somehow that seems positive.

  14. How interesting! The classes must be so much fun. Reminds me of the collegiate circus program here at FSU, one of the few such programs in the country.

  15. I've never heard about a school for puppetry until now.
    Must be a funny school :)
