Thursday, August 20, 2015


Chinnyere (which means "God's gift") has been working at Kimberly Boutique for a few months.
She studied fashion design in school and loves to dance and draw.

When I walked into the store, Chinnyere was wearing this black outfit, which she had just tried on.  After a few photographs, she went into the dressing room to change back
into jeans and a tee shirt.  But, she changed her mind.

Chinnyere came out of the dressing room in this mind-blowing patterned dress instead.  
It has been a week since I took the photographs.  My eyeballs are just now
starting to shrink back into their usual sockets.


  1. Chinnyere has a lovely name with a beautiful meaning. AND she does wear clothes well, doesn't she?

  2. That mind-blowing dress seems to suit Chinnyere just perfectly. She looks stunning in it.

  3. She certainly looks mind blowing! Lovely pictures...

  4. That dress really suits her, Jack!

  5. She's definitely a stylish woman.

  6. Quite a name, and quite a striking woman!

  7. A lovely name, a beautiful lady and stylish indeed!! Great ones for the day -- as always!! You do have a great eye for beauty, Jack!! All kinds of beauty!! Have a wonderful weekend!!

  8. Nice! You take some beautiful portraits.

  9. The eyes have it, both hers and yours.

  10. Haha! Well she is a beauty Jack, gorgeous shots.

  11. Oh, she does know how to pop eyeballs, doesn't she? Gorgeous!

  12. Omg! Moths later I'm just seeing all these comments and I must say I am overwhelmed. Jack you are an amazing artist and definitely a charmer. We are having a fashion show Wednesday, April 27th. It would be a great opportunity for some more fabulous pictures. Hope to see you there!
