Saturday, August 29, 2015

Around West Hartford Center Again

Karen (red hair) and Barbara (tall blonde) own BK&Co, an upscale women's clothing store.
They have been best friends since high school in Syracuse.  They decided they wanted to own
 a retail business together, so they both went to college to study fashion.  

Barbara and Karen married college roommates from Hartford and everyone moved here.
They have had the West Hartford store for 20 years.  (Ellen, on the left, is a manufacturer's rep
 and was holding a trunk show in the store.)

Theresa manages the Chicos store, which sells casual women's clothing.
When not working, she watches her kids play soccer or do gymnastics.

Carrie is a vegan, an aspiring Buddhist, a mother, a blogger and a cancer survivor.
Her bicep tattoos honor her mother, who is her best friend.


  1. Clothing stores with fine attire certainly is a great place to meet attractive women. You always have a plan. You hit the jackpot today, Jack—lovely portraits!

  2. Lovely ladies for the day, Jack!! You do have fun with your camera and your "people" captures never fail to make me smile!! Thank you, as always, for taking us around town with you!! Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy!

  3. All 3 are great portraits, Jack! You seem to spend a lot of time in ladies' clothing stores. ;-))

  4. Great portraits! If I was there I'd get to know Theresa very well. I get a lot of my clothes from Chico's these days.

  5. Carrie's portrait stands out the strongest, Jack.

  6. Like William I love Carrie's portrait. Great job Jack.

  7. In these days of fast fashion, it's good to know of a clothes store that has lasted for twenty years. I think I'd trust those ladies to know what looks good.

  8. Isn't RedPat funny to have noticed how much time you spend in women's clothing stores? :)

  9. I met a girl yesterday who had a tattoo of her mother on her arm. You have a nice hat jack.

  10. What are you doing in all these clothing stores? I'm being envious...

  11. Hangin' out in women's clothing stores...I think a few of us are noticing patterns here...
