Monday, July 13, 2015


The New Britain building for the YWCA hosts a mural with female characters and themes.
YWCA used to mean Young Women's Christian Association but I spent some time on the national
YWCA website trying to confirm that, but these days they seem to use only the initials.

Today we are linked to Monday Mural.


  1. I tried to max the photo so I could see it in detail but couldn't. It looks bright, cheerful and symbolic.

  2. The people out front show us viewers how large the mural is. I would like to see some of the details. ;))

  3. Thanks for reloading this, Jack. Now I can see so much more. :)

  4. We have something similar here too. Nice one.

  5. I think you are correct in the initials. When I was around 15, my mother signed me up for some dancing lessons at the local YWCA. Nothing I learned there was ever put into use. Square dancing was out of the question, I didn't tango even when I was in Argentina, and I never met a guy who wanted to waltz.

  6. What a terrific, colorful mural!! I do love to dance, but with my knees today, it's pretty much out of the question, darn it!! Hope your new week is off to a great start, Jack!! Have fun, enjoy and keep your camera close at hand!!

  7. Great mural, Jack! I've never belonged to a Y but they do a great job with all of their activities.

  8. I like the theme and the color!

  9. Interesting mural. Looks like it has stood up well over time both in content and against the weather.

  10. yWca? It died 5 years ago. It's a parking lot now. YMCA still going strong. Long time runnin' too.

  11. Nice one! A pleasure to see this.

  12. Somehow the colors on this mural led me to assume it was in Florida. Wrong. I especially like the movement of the water and how it seems to have its source in the stars. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  13. A big and a beautiful mural, Jack !
    So many details... fantastic !

  14. You've got me thinking now...I can't recall ever seeing a YWCA. Would like to though. Wonderful mural...plenty of content.

  15. Not bad, but it is complicated: a bit too much perhaps...

  16. It looks like it was quite a collaborative piece. Even if they've dropped the "women" in the YWCA they're at least prominent in the mural.
