Friday, July 31, 2015

A Fashionable Handcrafted Bicycle

A display window at Stackpole's, a Hartford clothing store, shows a handcrafted bicycle.
This is a "Haute" road bicycle, made in Colchester by MSH1, a bespoke bike manufacturer.

Tomorrow, visit the City Daily Photo portal to see photographers' interpretations of
the monthly theme, "bicycle."  And, today, visit James' website Weekend Reflections
to see other photographers' images with reflections.


  1. Great choice and a reminder to me to remember theme day

  2. Wow, you gave me a super idea with this picture, Jack !
    But I will it not reveal you, not yet...
    It is a beautiful bicycle, but even more I like the reflections.

  3. I think the person reflected in the photo is far more interesting than the one in the poster. I like the sleekness of the bike, but the seat looks a mite uncomfortable.

  4. Ya, this one looks all for show. That seat... ouch and ouch again.

  5. Nice shot! Wonderfully composed with you surrounded by the posters and the bicycle.

  6. Great, fun captures for the day, Jack!! It is a sleek looking bike, but not too comfortable for this old broad I'm afraid!! Hope you have a terrific weekend! Enjoy and stay cool!!

  7. I love this shot, Jack! Especially with the photographer there in the middle.

  8. Beautiful bike! Who's that tall guy taking the photo? :-)

  9. That looks a seriously uncomfortable bicycle; You wouldn't want to ride it over cobbles!

  10. Looking good in that selfie Jack. HI
    Just to let you know that I will be on BBC Radio Ulster this Sunday 2 August between 2.00pm -3.00pm in a programme called “Time of our Lives”. I recorded it yesterday. If you miss it on Sunday, you can hear it on IPlayer Radio at

    If you wish to hear my Irish voice!

    Birding For Pleasure

  11. Good composition and reflection.

  12. Nice shot, perfect for the theme.

  13. A very classy bicycle Jack .... just need to saw off that top bar off, throw a scarf around my neck & I'd be pedalling down the highway !!

  14. That is one terrific looking road bike. My only problem with a great bike like that is the motor. Also this photo reflects well on you.

  15. awesome reflection...and I think I would like to have that bike!

  16. lots to view in this wonderful reflection!

  17. Slim, elegant - I think the bike looks classy too.
